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Event Hybrid

TiD 12 | Open Data in Construction

04/02/2025, 16:00 Hour

DAZ - Deutsches Architektur Zentrum
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6
Entrance C
10179 Berlin


How can Open Data in the construction industry contribute to making building processes more transparent and efficient while fostering innovation?

The Federal Bauakademie Foundation warmly invites you to join the upcoming “Transformation Dialogue” discussion on the 2nd of April 2025 from 18:00 to 19:30 in the Taul Hall at the German Architecture Center (DAZ). The event will take place in a hybrid format. Attendance is possible in person or online:

Register here for in-person attendance

Register here for online attendance

Please note: The event will take place in German.


  • Dr. Oliver Heidinger, President and Managing Director of the State Enterprise for Information and Technology of North Rhine-Westphalia (IT.NRW)
  • Dr. Stefan Höffken, Head of Smart City, Tegel Projekt GmbH
  • Prof. Daniel Mondino, Professor of Digital Integrated Process Management – Planning, HafenCity University Hamburg
  • Barbara Post-Argomand Khageh, Head of IT for Building Management, City of Cologne

Welcome: Prof. Dr. Guido Spars, Founding Director of the Federal Bauakademie Foundation

Moderation: Kai Dolata, Transformation Manager for Digitalization and Automation at the Federal Bauakademie Foundation


The use of Open Data in the construction industry aims to make construction and infrastructure data publicly accessible and seamlessly usable without data loss. By integrating digital data from various stakeholders—including construction companies, architects, urban planners, and the public—Open Data can enhance transparency, support innovation, and increase efficiency in construction projects.

In the “transformation dialogue” "Open Data in Construction", we explore the potential of Open Data technologies across the entire value chain of planning, building, and operating within the built environment. Join us as we discuss real-world examples of Open Data applications and examine relevant legal frameworks.

Additionally, we will provide insights into how Open Data not only optimizes processes but also impacts data sovereignty and transparency in the collection and processing of digital data.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Can lessons from digitalization efforts in public administration be applied to digital construction processes?
  • How can Open Data contribute to higher process integration and greater data sovereignty?
  • How are digitalization laws and regulations implemented in planning and construction practice?
  • What legal frameworks provide guidance?
  • How is data (content and format) updated throughout the entire lifecycle of a construction project?Die Nutzung von Open Data im Bauwesen hat das übergeordnete Ziel, Bau- und Infrastrukturdaten öffentlich zugänglich und verlustfrei durchgängig nutzbar zu machen. Digitale Daten verschiedener Akteur*innen wie Bauunternehmen, Architekt*innen, Stadtplaner*innen und der Öffentlichkeit können im Open Data Ansatz Transparenz fördern, Innovationen unterstützen und die Effizienz in Bauprojekten steigern.

Im Transformationsdialog „Open Data Bau“ beleuchten wir, welche Potentiale der Einsatz offener Datentechnologien in der Wertschöpfungskette Planung, Bau und Betrieb von gebauter Umwelt hat. Diskutieren Sie mit uns aktuelle Beispiele, die bereits mit Open Data umgesetzt wurden. Beleuchtet werden auch die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Zudem geben wir einen Ausblick darauf, welche Auswirkungen Open Data nicht nur auf Prozessoptimierungen, sondern auch auf Datensouveränität und Transparenz gesammelter und verarbeiteter digitaler Daten haben kann.

Foto: © Federal Bauakademie Foundation

Further information on our event series “Transformation Dialogues”