The work of the Bauakademie is aimed at initiating, moderating and supporting the necessary transformation processes in the planning and building industries.
New forms of urban planning and building practices are required to cope with climate change, increasing land sealing and the growing scarcity of resources. New strategies are needed to initiate technical, economic, ecological, political and social changes. The Bauakademie's transformation team cooperates with various players in the building value chain to initiate these transformation processes.
Real-world labs for testing innovative approaches in the planning and construction industry
Real-world labs in the construction industry offer space for experiments in research-based construction practice. Under scientific supervision, it is possible to test climate- and resource-friendly construction methods and develop these further in close collaboration with actors from research, industry, civil society and politics.
Round Tisch „Serielles, modulares und systemisches Bauen“
The Alliance for Affordable Housing (Bündnis bezahlbarer Wohnraum) decided on the establishment of an office for the Round Table on “Serial, modular and systemic building” as measure no. 2.19. The Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) intends to develop interdisciplinary proposals and measures to strengthen the use of serial, modular and systemic construction methods. The Federal Bauakademie Foundation has been tasked with its implementation.