The Building
The Bauakademie will return to its original location in the heart of the capital.
Schinkel’s Bauakademie building was located in the historic center of Berlin, between what was the Royal Palace (today Humboldt Forum) and the Friedrichswerder Church, within sight of the Altes Museum. The shape and size of the building were designed to fit precisely into this architectural setting. After its reconstruction, the Bauakademie will again complement the existing building ensemble.
Project Planning
As a laboratory for the future of planning and construction, the Bauakademie is committed to sustainable, climate-friendly construction methods and interdisciplinary approaches to research. The Bauakademie will also apply these principles to the process of designing its future building on Schinkelplatz. It views the endeavor as an exemplary process of construction that is from the outset rigorously sustainable and digitally implemented.
The Competition "Think Tank"
As the first of many upcoming initiatives on the future of building, the Bauakademie has established the Competition think tank to develop the specifications for reconstruction of its building. An interdisciplinary team of scientists is currently engaged in formulating sustainability goals such as energy efficiency, climate neutrality and resource conservation. This process will culminate in an architectural design competition for construction of the building.
Questions and Answers
The site is expected to become the property of the Federal Bauakademie Foundation in the summer of 2022. By that time, the prerequisites for its registration in the land register must be fulfilled. In August 2021, the Federal Bauakademie Foundation bought the site from the State of Berlin at market value for a preliminary purchase price of EUR 19.8 million.
In the 1990s, the Bauakademie site was transferred from the Federal Government to the State of Berlin, which originally wanted to implement the project itself. The Capital City Financing Agreement of 2017 stipulated that the Federal Bauakademie Foundation can acquire the property at full market value.
In compliance with the binding land-use plan, the future building will follow the original plans of Schinkel’s Bauakademie in terms of cubature and number of full stories. Whether a reconstructed or a newly designed facade will be built, or whether a hybrid solution will be found, is to be decided in the Competition think tank and an open international architectural design competition.
Through its work, the Federal Bauakademie Foundation follows in the footsteps of Karl Friedrich Schinkel as an innovator and visionary. In his spirit, it will employ the most modern means to create an optimally usable building that meets high standards for both its energy and resource efficiency and its flexibility of use.
Once the building has been built, it will be a place that is open to anyone involved with or interested in construction. First and foremost, the building is conceived as a meeting point, event venue and research center. It will be a home to exhibitions, workshops, conferences, places to eat and drink, shops and a range of service offerings.
The objective of the programmatic competition was to generate ideas for how the building could function and types of events it could host. Use concepts and the corresponding spatial allocations within the future building were chosen. Different proposals for the facade design were also made. The program competition served as the groundwork for the upcoming architectural design competition.
The objective of the architectural design competition is to select a design for constructing the project. The rules of such competitions are governed by federal law. Every competition is based on a description of the task, the so-called competition program. The competition program is divided into the procedural rules, an explanation of the architectural mission, and the planning basis.
By resolution of the German Bundestag, EUR 62 million have been appropriated for construction. A tangible assessment of construction costs can only be made after the architectural design competition. However, the economic viability of the project is an important factor for evaluating the competition.