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Focus Areas

The construction sector is in a state of transformation. Stricter climate protection targets, forward-thinking sustainability concepts and new digitalization processes are fundamentally changing all aspects of construction – from how buildings are designed to how they are used. The Bauakademie supports this transformation by conducting interdisciplinary research and educational outreach on eight topics that will define construction in the 21st century: futures research, digitalization, innovation, sustainability, climate change, circular economy, urban development and housing.

The Bauakademie’s scientific team deals with these topics holistically and edits the outcomes of research for practical use. The Bauakademie establishes think tanks and working groups to work on the topics. At the same time, the Bauakademie will establish a platform where the interested public can actively participate in an exchange between actors from the construction sector, science, politics and culture about the future of building.

Theme Fields

Climate change

Climate change and its consequences, such as extreme heat and flooding, have a decisive impact on our quality of life and constitute one of the greatest challenges for the future of humanity. Thus, in order to protect people and the environment, it is essential to reduce climate-damaging emissions and to adapt buildings and cities to the changing circumstances.


Digitization translates conventional tools and workflows into computer-aided processes. In construction, building information modeling (BIM) is currently in the spotlight for creating and managing buildings. Digitalization offers the opportunity to achieve sustainability goals and to integrate artificial intelligence and robotics in the future.

Future Research

Futures research is a science of change that identifies likely, possible and desirable future developments. It can help the construction sector draw conclusions on how to design buildings and cities that are fit for the future.


Innovations in construction comprise the introduction and use of new processes, techniques or products. Rigorously sustainable innovations are essential to bring about the necessary change within construction.


Living in one’s own home is a basic human need and fundamental right. Keeping this basic need affordable for lower- and middle-income groups in the context of the construction and energy transition is one of the most important political and economic challenges of the future.


Sustainability is a concept that aims to bring the actions of the present generation into harmony with the needs of future generations. For planning and building, this means negotiating responsible use of finite resources and their equitable distribution for future new construction and renovations.

Urban development

Urban development encompasses the spatial, social, economic, cultural and environmental development of cities. For the future of our shared existence, it is crucial that urban development is prudently guided by foresight in the interest of the common good.

The Bauakademie building will serve as the platform for dialogue between the construction sector, science and the general public.

To enable the dialogue to begin even before the building opens, the Bauakademie will set up a virtual platform. On this platform, the Bauakademie will present its projects, provide insights into the work of the think tanks and working groups, and engage interactively with users.

Think Tanks and Working Groups

The Competition think tank will develop the requirements for the competition to design the Bauakademie’s future building on Schinkelplatz. [Link: The Competition Think Tank] A think tank on sustainable training and continuing education is currently in planning. Later, the Bauakademie will establish working groups of representatives from science and practice that will take the input from the think tanks and develop it further.