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Film About Archaeological Excavations on the Bauakademie Site

The remains of the foundation of the historic Bauakademie are protected today as archaeological monuments. At the former site of Schinkel’s building, an archaeological excavation was carried out from April to July 2021 under the direction of the Berlin Monument Authority. Over an area of 200 square meters, the well-preserved foundations of wall piers and segments of the exterior wall were uncovered.

The Federal Bauakademie Foundation produced a video documentary about the excavation and published it on YouTube. The film shows how a collaborative team from the Berlin Monument Authority and the Technical University of Berlin documented and analyzed the finds.

Archaeological excavations had already been carried out on the site in 1995 and 2000 under the direction of the Berlin Monument Authority. The new findings will be compared with the findings from those earlier excavations, and the results will be used as input to the preparations for the architectural design competition of the Bauakademie.

Link to the film