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Construction Love Festival 2025: Rethinking Communication in the Construction Sector

The first Building-Content and Online Marketing Festival #ConstructionLove in Essen demonstrated the importance of good construction communication. Over two days, content creators, communicators, and industry experts from architecture, construction, media, and the construction trades came together to discuss the future of construction – with humor, ease, and clear messages.

A central topic: Diversity in construction. In her keynote, Tijen Onaran stated, “Those who want diversity find a way; those who don’t, find an excuse.” Karin Hartmann also made it clear: architecture is not only design but also has a social and cultural responsibility.

But not only architecture and planning, but also the craft trades are facing challenges. Kathrin Post-Isenberg emphasized the importance of values: “Without a moral compass, there is no position.” Maren Kogge emphasized that diversity can be actively shaped and can be an important measure against the shortage of skilled workers.

Sustainability was also a core topic: from the responsibility of the craft trades to their involvement in sustainable construction processes, to the question of whether new buildings are really the only solution to homelessness.

The festival showed: Honest communication, courage, and leadership are needed to make the construction and architecture industry future-proof.


Program Highlights

Keynotes & Impulse Lectures

  • Tijen Onaran – Keynote: Construction Must Become More Diverse
  • Karin Hartmann – Impulse Lecture: Architecture from an Intersectional Perspective
  • Kathrin Post-Isenberg – Impulse Lecture: Tolerance in the Construction Trades
  • Maren Kogge – Impulse Lecture: Buntes Handwerk
  • Panel on Diversity with Tijen Onaran, Karin Hartmann, Kathrin Post-Isenberg, Maren Kogge, and Hoang Anh Nguyen

Workshops & Panels

  • Annabelle von Reutern – Keynote: Demolition is Over
  • Turit Fröbe – Impulse Lecture: “Baukulturelle Bildung mitdenken!” (Considering Cultural Education in Construction)
  • Oliver Oettgen – Impulse Lecture: The Building Transition with the Construction Trades
  • Michael Adler – Impulse Lecture: Transformation Needs Communication
  • Felix Jansen – Impulse Lecture: New Rules of the Game? Communicators and Their Role in the Building Transition
  • Panel on the Building Transition with Annabelle von Reutern, Turit Fröbe, Oliver Oettgen, Felix Jansen, and Michael Adler