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Building the Future

The Federal Bauakademie Foundation is dedicated to advancing innovative solutions for the building transition. It initiates, moderates, and supports the necessary transformation processes in planning and construction industries.

We take an integrated approach and see ourselves as a platform for sustainable and digital construction practices. What are the focus areas of the Federal Bauakademie Foundation?

The Federal Bauakademie Foundation is an institution dedicated to the future of the construction industry. We develop real-world labs, facilitate working groups, and design knowledge-sharing formats in collaboration with project partners from academia, industry, planning, government, and public administration.

How can the Bauakademie building become a national and international showcase for the building transition while honoring its history?

The Federal Bauakademie Foundation was established as a non-profit foundation under civil law in order to construct and operate the future Bauakademie on the site of the former Schinkel Bauakademie in Berlin-Mitte. Get to know us.

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