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Focus Areas


The Federal Bauakademie Foundation is an institution for the future of construction. Its work aims to support the necessary transformation processes in the planning and construction industries and facilitate the implementation of sustainable building practices.

The construction industry is undergoing change. Stricter climate protection requirements, future-oriented sustainability concepts and new digitalisation processes are fundamentally changing all areas of construction - from planning to building operation. The Federal Bauakademie Foundation takes an integrated approach and develops its initiatives based on its three focus areas: climate change/circular economy, urban development/real estate management and digitalization/automation. It designs real-world labs, working groups and outreach formats to advance the building transition along the entire planning and construction value chains. 

The focus lies on real-world labs where a broad network of stakeholders and project partners from research, industry, planning, politics and administration test and communicate specific implementation results. The real-world labs are accompanied by various working formats, such as think tanks and working groups, as well as various public events. The Federal Bauakademie Foundation and its building will provide a neutral setting and platform for those involved in the construction value chain.


Climate change / circular economy

The closed-loop circular economy in the construction industry is essential in achieving the ‘1.5-degree´climate protection target. In a circular construction and property industry, building materials are reused or recycled, thus avoiding greenhouse gas emissions, reducing waste and conserving natural resources. 

In supporting a circular construction and property industry, the Federal Bauakademie Foundation is committed to communicating new findings and practical solutions and actively supporting the formation of strategic networks and partnerships.

Digitalization / automation

A higher degree of digitalisation is essential for the construction industry in order to overcome the challenges posed by climate change. Compared to other industries, the construction industry is still in the early stages of digitalisation, which is also reflected in labour productivity. The adaptation of the collaborative working method BIM (Building Information Modelling) based on digital building models is only making very slow progress. It is therefore important for the Federal Bauakademie Foundation to identify possible obstacles to the wider adaptation of digital working methods and, together with stakeholders, promote the diffusion of existing solutions.

Urban development / real estate management

More than half of the world's population lives in cities, where around two thirds of global energy consumption is generated and around 70% of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions are produced. The transformation of urban areas is therefore a key to achieving global climate protection targets. One of the most important building blocks for this transformation is the climate- and resource-friendly development of urban neighbourhoods. In this smallest local context, building stock, energy infrastructure and mobility systems can be considered and changed in an integrated manner. The participation of both local communities and municipal decision-makers is also essential for a successful transformation. Real-world labs offer a promising approach to initiating, negotiating and shaping this transformation.


The Federal Bauakademie Foundation will establish a platform for exchange and dialogue on the future of construction, in which stakeholders from the construction industry, science, politics and culture as well as the public can actively participate.

The focus lies on identifying, showcasing and testing sustainable solutions for the transformation of the entire construction value chain. The Federal Bauakademie Foundation implements research findings through prototypes and supports new concepts for education and training and involves the next generation. It is also active in political advisory work - from problem analysis to the implementation of solutions, all with the aim to support the implementation of sustainable building practices. The Federal Bauakademie Foundation is also committed to the history of the site and the neighbourhood around the Bauakademie property. A children and youth academy will provide future generations with the opportunity to participate in and help shape the topics and challenges of the building transformation.