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The Foundation

The Federal Bauakademie Foundation is a nonprofit institution that engages in all issues related to the design, construction and operation of buildings and housing projects in the 21st century.

The federal foundation will reconstruct the Bauakademie building in the center of Berlin, on the site of the historic Schinkel building, and maintain it as an open platform for knowledge and dialogue. The Bauakademie will be built and operated with the support of the German Bundestag. 

The Federal Bauakademie Foundation aims to promote a comprehensive interdisciplinary exchange among all building disciplines and to intensively integrate the public in this exchange. The skilled trades, the construction industry, the building materials sector, architecture and engineering, and urban and housing development will come together at the Bauakademie and jointly develop new approaches for construction that is humane, environmentally sustainable, economically sensible and aesthetically compelling.

Gruppenbild der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Bundesstiftung Bauakademie